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Home Working Area Year 3 - 8th-12th June 2020


Please find below the information for home learning for Year 3 for week 9 – 8th-12th June. The home learning information and resources from previous weeks will remain available in the Year 3 Parent's Hub under the relevant week.


Please click on the link below to see this week’s video from Miss Simmonds




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(Text from Year 3 parent letter, also below as a PDF)


Dear Year 3 parents,


I hope you are all well and are enjoying the beautiful weather. Welcome to Week 9 of

This week we have a Gas Mask focus and finish the Bridge on Fire story. Please do as
many activities as you can.

It’s lovely to see the activities that are being done at home - remember to keep using the
‘hand in’ button.

The activities for this week are:

1. Continue to practice your spellings from the lists given. Remember you can always use
word pyramids to help you with your practicing! Also remember to have a go at the
purple mash game.

2. Maths - this week there continues to be White Rose activities and videos to complete.
We continue to have a look at fractions. Remember you can always use items around the
house to help the children with fractions e.g. cakes and pizzas.

White Rose:
Lesson 1 - week 2 lesson 5 - Equivalent Fractions 1
Lesson 2 - week 3 lesson 1 - Equivalent Fractions 2
Lesson 3 - week 3 - lesson 2 -Equivalent Fractions 3

3. PE this week continues to be a combination of Joe Wicks, Cosmic Yoga and I have
found a very interesting looking minions dance class to have a go at!

4. Reading continues to be using education city games - there is a folder under homework
called - reading. The children can choose an activity they like the look of and complete it.
Also continue the World War 2 story on Purple Mash.

5. There are some more exciting Maddie and Greg videos to watch with activities to
complete from watching the video.

6. History - research gas masks and then write up what you have found using Purple

7. There are also some activities linked to A bridge on Fire to complete. One is a
character profile and the other is a book review when you finish reading. I know some of
the words are quite tricky so it’s OK to read with your child.

8. Finally there are some activities looking at perimeter to complete on Purple Mash.

I hope you enjoy this weeks’ activities.

Thank you very much for all of your support.

We look forward to seeing you very soon.

Miss Simmonds and the Year 3 team


White Rose Maths - Question & Answer sheets