

Music Lessons

Music Lessons at St Mary's
In Year 3, the whole class have a term of hourly music lessons provided by the Dorset Music Service, funded by the Department for Education's 'Music For All' programme.  A small group of children from the class are then selected to have continuation lessons for two terms. 
Peripatetic Music Lessons
Children can choose to learn a musical instrument at St Mary's.  For example: recorder, violin, drums, keyboard, guitar and brass instruments to name a few.  The music lessons are coordinated by the DASP Music office which is based at The Thomas Hardye School.  The peripatetic music teachers then contact the school for a suitable time slot during the school day to teach the children.

Please visit their website for lots of information and application forms if your child would like to start learning an instrument: www.daspmusic.co.uk