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Blog February 2022

Week 14th-18th February 2022
What brilliant DT students we have in year 4! The children have designed, made and evaluated their smuggler’s pouches this half term. We had a room full of “Concentrating crocodiles, Persevering Parrots and Go for it Gorillas’ with the sewing.
In Maths this week the focus has been fractions; using multiplication and division skills to help calculate. With the help of a fraction wall and practical working, the children have begun to see increasing links between their mathematical learning.
In English, the children enjoyed interviewing eye witnesses for their newspaper article. With the continued emphasis on rich vocabulary and thoughtful writing, the children wrote with ever developing clarity and purpose.
Thank you for the wonderful home discussions and inputs on how your children are finding ways to stay mentally healthy. We work really hard at school to ensure that your children feel safe, happy and loved - so that they are both physically and mentally well. It is great to see that these conversations are happening at home too. There were some fabulous ideas, from cuddling pet chickens to making mosaics! I hope you have a happy and healthy half term and really appreciate your support.
Week 7th-11th February 2022
The children have enjoyed testing the statement , “The further a sound wave travels, the weaker the sound appears”. They had to design the investigation, conduct it, record the results and analyse their findings. Some children then spent time considering how effective their design was and how they might do it differently next time. 
In their reading time, children have been practising performance poetry and play script reading. They have learned to project their voice, develop their awareness of the audience as well as using intonation and expression. They did an excellent job- maintaining the audience’s attention throughout.