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Home Working Area Year 2 - 30th March-3rd April 2020

Please find below the information for home learning for Year 2 for the week 30th March to 3rd April. The home learning information and resources from previous weeks will remain available in the Year 2 Parent's Hub under the relevant week.


(Text from Year 2 parent letter, also below as a PDF)



Dear parents,

Thank you for supporting your child with their home learning. Please remember that the timetable is only a guide.


The activities on the timetable are:


Please continue to listen to your child read a few pages of a book and discuss what they have read to you. Please see comments on the school website to help you record in the reading comment book. I have also placed some new reading activities onto the Education city website for this part of the day.


Please continue to alternate the high frequency words and the common exception words on the timetable - both of which are an important part of year 2 learning.  Please take 3 or 4 words a day from the common exception list/high frequency list and play spelling games with your child. On the parent hub there are examples of different ways to explore this E.g. bubble writing, rainbow writing and sand tray writing. Your child can also write “Silly sentences” using 2 or 3 of the words. I have included the spelling lists and the alphabet sheet in the year 2 file to help your child with the formation of their letters.


TT Rock Stars (times tables)

This is a new site for your child and I hope they are enjoying it. It is another way to learn the times tables in a fun way. Some tasks are quick fire ones so it may help your child to write out the multiplication table first.


Education city

I have posted new maths activities onto this site. Please encourage your child to complete as many as they can. I have also added a computer activity.


Topic Work

Please select from these activities for the topic sessions if you have finished last weeks:


a) Art and DT: Find natural objects on a short walk with your parent e.g. a stone, a leaf. When you come back home (or in from the garden) use crayons or paint to decorate it.


b) Forest schools: Make a den (inside or outside). Use as many natural resources as you can find.


c) Try our school science experiment at home- plant a seed in 3 containers (one seed per container). Keep everything the same for all containers apart from the amount of water. In one container add no water, in container 2 add excessive amounts of water and in container 3 add the correct amount of water. Repeat over the next 4 weeks and observe what happens.


d) PE- join in with the Joe Wicks body workout sessions. They go live from 9-10 each day via you tube.


e) In RE we are learning about Easter. Go online and find the Easter story. Now see if you can record the story in whichever way you choose e.g drama sketch, cartoon strip, play script 


   Thank you for your continued support at this difficult time.


Keep healthy


Mrs Bourne and the Year 2 team