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Home Working Area Year 2 - 18th-22nd May 2020

Please find below the information for home learning for Year 2 for week 7 – 18th-22nd May. The home learning information and resources from previous weeks will remain available in the Year 2 Parent's Hub under the relevant week.


Mr Dailey has produced some more PE challenge videos; they can be found under PE & Exercise at Home.



Please click on the link below to see this week’s video from Mrs Bourne





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(Text from Year 2 parent letter, also below as a PDF)


Dear Year 2 Parents

Week 7 - home learning


I cannot believe it is the last week of the half term; it seems to have moved at a very speedy pace. Many of us have learned new ways of working and communicating within difficult circumstances. I have missed each and every child in my class but have enjoyed seeing their work and being able to write a sentence or two to them via Purple Mash. I hope to see them soon.


The activities on the timetable for week 7 are:


Joe Wicks and cosmic yoga continue to be popular. Do whichever suits your family and gets your child ready for learning. A brisk walk outside will work just as well!


 We are on our last Mary Anning chapter on Purple Mash this week so there is a book review set as well as an online multiple choice. The scores have varied quite a bit so please encourage your child to think carefully before they answer and to refer to the text that they have read when answering. The children always enjoy Education City, so it is good to see so many of them completing their activities.  



Please continue choosing words that your child cannot spell yet on the high frequency list or the common exception list. These are words that year 2 children should be able to spell within their writing tasks if they are working at the year 2 standard. Any extra words to try would be topic based so your child could try: Ocean, scales, tentacles, mammals, molluscs, creatures, volcanoes, mountains, Earth.

I have added a spelling activity onto the Purple Mash website which I think will be really helpful to your child. Please encourage them to give it a go.


This week we are using mainly Education City for the math’s tasks with a focus on multiplication and division. TT rockstars is still accessible but I would also encourage your child to play the Education City x games as they are at a slower rate. Please let your child use objects to help them with the activity such as dried pasta or Lego. I have been pleased with the scores I saw last week.




Before your child starts their writing tasks please remind them to think through each sentence they want to write before they start. Once written they then read it back to make sure it makes sense. They need to remember to vary the conjunctions used 

(instead of using “and” they could put so, when, because, while, but etc). They also need to check their spellings and avoid repetition. Ask your child to show you their writing before they submit it to me as I know that many of them can write much more in the time given!!


We continue to be very grateful for all of your hard work and support at this unprecedented time and understand how hard it is to juggle your own work and work set for your child. You are doing really well.

  I would like to reiterate , once again, that although I have timetabled the week ( as some children like this structure and some parents want more specific timings ) please swap days and timings around to suit you and your family. Both the PE and the audio stories can be accessed at any time on the YouTube channels as can Purple Mash, Education City and TT Rock stars. 

    Many thanks and please look after your own wellbeing. I hope you all manage to enjoy the half term ( I am writing this pre lockdown exit talk so I am unsure what it will look like for everyone but hope you stay well and happy)


     Mrs Bourne and the Year 2 team