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Home Working Area Year 1 - 30th March-3rd April 2020

Please find below the information for home learning for Year 1 for the week 30th March to 3rd April. The home learning information and resources from previous weeks will remain available in the Year 1 Parent's Hub under the relevant week.
(Text from Year 1 parent letter, also below as a PDF)


Dear Year 1 parents,

I hope you are all keeping well this week, thinking of you all. Here is the work for 30th March through to 3rd April 2020. There are lots of activities on the timetable to keep you pretty busy. Try to do as many as you can. Start the day with Joe Wicks! I’ve attached a 5 minute workout to wake you up and put a smile on your face every morning!


Please practice the simple and complex speed sounds every day. See Mrs Hunns videos on the school website and watch the set 2 & 3 sounds video first to help you to recall these sounds. There is also a double sided sheet of phonics screening words in your class pack. Please take a few words each day to read and draw on the sound buttons. Each day there is a phonics activity on Education City to follow on from the sounds practice. This week the focus is split digraphs, with a different split digraph each day. After the Education City activity, see if your child can write a sentence independently with a split digraph word in the sentence. You may need to model the split digraph word for them first, then see if they can recall it. It often helps them to draw on the sound buttons.

Guided Reading

Each week there is a RWI text on the year 1 website for you to read with your child at home. Look for your child’s guided reading group, either Willy Wonka, Giant Peach, BFG, Matilda or Fantastic Mr Fox. The children already know how to read their RWI text independently now, but the final video on the school website guides you how to read a RWI text starting with the speed sounds, green words, red words and then the story. The text should be read several times over the week to build confidence and fluency. On Thursday start the comprehension questions - Questions to talk about, you can read these to your child and they can look back in the book to find the answers. Matilda and Fantastic Mr Fox can then answer the questions - Questions to read and answer.

Spelling & handwriting

I have included letter formation and high frequency word sheets for your child to practice their handwriting. Please take words from the high frequency word lists to practice writing and then you could choose common exception and high frequency words to play spelling games and activities with your child. See the parent hub for ideas for fun spelling activities to do.


We have been learning and applying our 2, 5 and 10 times tables to solve problems. On Times Tables Rockstars (the login has been sent home) you will find times tables practice for your child to do daily. Following on from the counting activities last week, this week try the missing numbers worksheet that is in your child’s pack. Then take some counters or small pieces of paper

or card to cover random numbers on your 100 square and see if you can recall them. We have been writing numbers to 20 in words in class. From Wednesday try revising writing these numbers. Each day the activities get a little more challenging, so start on Wednesday by matching the digit to the word, then on Thursday match again and try writing them without looking and turning the word over to check the spelling. We thought up some mnemonics in class (patterns of letters in words) to help spell the trickier words like - one - old naughty elephant, two - two wise owls, four - four old unhappy rabbits, remembering the split digraph in the word five, eight - elephants in grass hate tigers. You and your child may be able to think up your own mnemonics! Friday - have a go at the worksheet.

Topic Work


Watch the powerpoint on the 4 seasons and then complete the worksheet.

Then answer this question - why should we wear sunglasses in the summer?


Watch the bbc bitesize clip about London and its landmarks. Then see if you can categorise the landmarks in Dorchester and London on the worksheet and label them.


There is a blank storyboard template in your child’s home pack. Finish drawing pictures showing the story of the Wizard of Oz on the storyboard and add captions.

RE/ART - Thursday

Watch the powerpoint of Palm Sunday.

Make a palm by drawing around your hand on green paper/card or colouring it green.

RE - Friday

Watch the animated video of the Last Supper. You could then print off the story cards to order (go into more settings and print 9 per sheet to get them onto 1 page). Then cut into cards, muddle and see if you can sequence the story in the right order.

Many thanks for your kind support.

Wishing you and your family all the very best and look forward to seeing you all very soon.

Mrs Gannon and the Year 1 team

Guided Reading Books for Year 1 below
Phonics sounds & video links