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Blog May 2022

Week 23rd-27th May 2022
Last Friday was a great success with our Laudato Si day. The grounds are looking lovely and colourful with a jelly fish sculpture designed by a parent and made with every child in the school. 
The map of the world includes fingerprints of every child and member of staff to highlight our culture of inclusivity and community.
On Sunday 6 of our yr 4’s took their First Holy Communion. This was a special occasion that was then shared with the school on Thursday. The children involved came into school with their special clothes on and talked about the service.
Our songlines project is well underway with the children learning a lot from our music specialists and composer. Please encourage the children to practise their singing, ready for the performance on Saturday 18th June at Maumbury Rings.
Week 16th-20th May 2022
This week in Science the children have enjoyed investigating conductors and insulators. They tested their predictions and discussed the materials.
The ukulele lessons are going strong and the children are loving learning new skills. Please see Google Classroom for the slides to follow for their practice. Your child will be able to tell you what they were taught this week.
Year 4 were great at sharing the methods they use for multiplying accurately and with speed. They are loving the new board!
Week 9th-13th May 2022
Another great week for year 4 with a super music session with specialists Hannah and Geoff. The children learned the first few verses and the chorus of performance songs they have helped to compose. They practised singing in harmony and with expression. These songs will be performed at Maumbury Rings on Saturday 18th June. A date for the diary.
Some children took part in a bikeability course and are now much more confident and road ready.
In science,  the children loved putting theory to practise with the completion of electrical circuits. They are looking forward to further investigative work next week, exploring how to brighten and dim lamps. 
Well done year 4.