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January 2023

Week 30th January - 3rd February 2023
This week, in science, we have been busy investigating if larger hands make you catch a ball more effectively.
In gymnastics, we have been making shapes with our bodies.
Week 23rd-27th January 2023
This week we have been busy making structures to protect our tea cakes (in the way that the skull protects the brain) in science.
In geography we have been using Forest schools to recreate an Iron Age economy by making items to barter.
Week 16th-20th January 2023
This week we have been busy building structures to see how bones are made in science.
In art we have been mark making in our sketch books.
Week 3rd-6th January 2023
To start the new year, we have been looking at the difference between dividing a number into a certain amount of groups and dividing a number into groups of a certain number, eg. 18 shared into 3 groups versus 18 shared into groups of 3.
We extended this learning by using numbers that generate a remainder.